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Tomorrow starts a very long week. After an already very long week. There might be nothing more that I want today, than to just hang out...

Hey there, heeeeey!

Just G rated Jenni here! What's up with you? Not too much here. I have been working, working, and working this week. I may jump online...

What a week

So we have established that I am back from vacation. Or maybe we haven't, until today when I resurfaced online. I have been a busy girl....

Vacay - That's a wrap!

Time, as a general rule, moves WAY TO FAST. Especially as you get older. This vacation was a perfect example of that. What can I say...

Bout that time...

It has been a week. Lots of work to get done. Work work, life work, kid work, parent work, work so, so much I can spend some time away...

Happy Easter and Beyond

Ending a week, and starting a new week. Today was nice. I did not open the truck email at all today. No work was done in Jenniland. ...

On the mend

First of all, so many of you reached out to me in some way after the last couple of posts. I appreciate you! I am mostly mobile but...

Oh sweet Jesus

If I have to cancel another vacay, I'm going to lose it I think. So Wednesday night I took a trip to the ER for some excrusiating back...

We had a time, didn't we?

It seems the winter went way too fast in side hustle land. Back to the truck grind I must go. I haven't had too many updates or things...

The late shift!

O.k, so tomorrow is a very long work day for me - Doing a 1-3 a.m. spot, after working the whole day. So technically that is on...


Last year, I worked 7 a.m. - 4 a.m. on the truck for some private catering for a local hospital. This year - Nah! I hadn't planned on...

The metal box is back!

If you have missed the real lack of excitement in these streams, then you are in luck. Saturday, I will be live from the metal box, from...

Hump Day!

I have been a little under the weather this week. I haven't been super sick, but just enough that I kind of want to lay around. Which...

Sex? Sure, why not!

Taco Tom has impeccable timing. If you were in my room this morning, you may have seen a very distracted, unfocused Jenni. I was really...

It's been a long week...

I took today to re-organize. It's isn't looking good for CB though. I reserve the right to change courses over time, but the reality is...

Today is the day!


4 Years!

How did it start? I was watching a particular cam couple who no longer streams together, and I thought, i can do this. I don't think I...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Oh hey - It's Valentine's Day - I like flowers. Did you send me some? It's never too late >> I have two truck bookings and...

Still missing me?

Ha! I unintentionally took a me week. I finished two books, had a lunch date with my cousin, did a bunch of food truck work. Work on...

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