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Ups and downs

Overall a really good weekend. I had a record sales day in the truck, and a record festival weekend. Rain for the most part stayed away and I didn't have to work one single minute in the truck the whole weekend long. I did reload the truck on Sunday, but that doesn't really count to me. I also did make some catering deliveries and micromanage the staff and their drama. Still a very long week with National Night out and my annual day at the limestone quarry.

In side hustle land, Saturday gets a notable mention. A gentlemen who is often in and out of my room took me into a private show. He mentioned in this private that he reads my blog. I NEVER would have guessed that, but that is one of the interesting parts of all of this. You never really know. It was really an interesting and pleasant twist to things. I am not sure if I got the chance to thank him, cause he big tipped and dipped. So if you/he are reading this...thank you!

Then I got super sick. Ha! Well, after I reloaded the truck on Sunday and worked a whole day. About 6:30 last night I just got a wave of sickness over me. So bad that I didn't go to work today and I ALWAYS go to work on Monday. Even when I take trips, I still go to work on Monday. It is order day. It is payroll day. It is catch up from the weekend day. FML I actually texted the distribution driver at 5:15 and was like "I hate to do this, but I am not going to be there". He is the nicest guy and has a key to unload, and he said he would put all my perishables away. Then I went back to bed. I think all in all I slept from 7 p.m. last night to abut 5 p.m. today with the exception of trying to eat some food and forcing my son to text the employee who was scheduled to clean up today and keep her on task. That right there is about 4 nights sleep for me. Literally, about 4 night's sleep. I am certain that I needed that sleep. I have spent the last 6 hours doing payroll and asking myself if I really need my vacation in a few weeks.

I mean, I obviously need the vacation, but it just hit me today how I go full speed ahead and then I get on a plane, and then I go full speed ahead, and I get on a plane. I don't even know if that is enough balance. I know I will get back from my September trip and go full speed ahead until Halloween. I tell myself that the trip will recharge me and give me the juice I need to make it the home stretch, but I am not even sure it will this time. I had this big master plan for today. I was going to catch up and clean up at work, go to my mom's and square her up for the week. Then I was going to take Tuesday off entirely and catch up on things at home. Now, I got sick, spent a whole day in bed, have to go to work tomorrow and then handle my mom, and will end up with no day this week to catch up at home. FML. So the question I pondered I need to take this trip, or should I just stay here and catch up on things at home. I could go in November, but probably couldn't get my hotel on the beach. I could probably have an airbnb with a pool. I roll the dice either way on a hurricane.

In other news: I did order my iskin repaper today. We didn't hit the CB goal for it,but MANY of you contributed towards me making this purchase and I really appreciate that. Thank you! I should have it tomorrow and can't wait to play with it! I will reset the fund goal for vacay once I decide for sure what I am doing there.

Also in other news: I am about 25 people away from 30K - yayayayay! Lots of ideas to do something special for that. TBC

I am planning on being online tomorrow around 5 p.m. - Not in the a.m. - I just have too much to do at work.

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