Such a busy week, way too early in the year for this, for me.
I really did intend on spending all day online and then just found myself getting tied up in other things. Work things. Personal things. Absolutely nothings. I don't know what happened to me over the winter, but it seems like my brain has been sucked out of me.
What am I doing right now you might ask? I am eating twizzlers in my bed, typing this out, watching Big Love on HBO max. Sounds great. I have to be up at 5 a.m. to get the truck to an early morning service appointment. Then train another new driver, that I wasn't really happy about hiring. Then the 1st driver comes in for training after that, then the basketball tournament. Gross. I would much rather be online with you guys. I am hoping to get online tomorrow night but probably won't and will just do my Saturday morning stream.
I got online to order a new DOMI last night, but then realized I am leaving for vacay, so I will order it when I am gone or wait until I get back. No point in it sitting on the porch for days. I realized I may have been having a moment when I booked my flights for my trip. My flight times suck. What was I thinking? I don't think I was. Because my brain has been depleted over the winter. Ughhhh.
Don't ask too much of me right now. I'm doing my best.
If you don't catch me before I leave on Sunday, look for trip updates on snap.