Somehow in the course of my shitty week, Taco Tom reappeared. Here is how this goes. We each follow the other's business social media, and I feel like if he seems something that catches his eye on mine, he reaches out. Well, the catalytic converter situation seemed to do the trick.
He texted me really early Friday morning ( like 5 a.m. early ), and then he texted me later in the afternoon. He popped over - got his dick out - the usual 5 minute encounter. Here is the real on that though, I really wanted to utilize the time that he was here for a nap. In a different time in my life, trading sleep for dick is a no brainer. At this point in my was a total regret.
He did tell me how he keeps his dad's shoes on him through the night and that was a total score that I implemented at my mom's last night. I sent him a text that said, " your dick is nice, and so are you, but your stroke tips are EVERYTHING".
And so it goes. Jenni got weiner. Could care less. I do want to be fun again.