What do we say about someone spending three years behind a camera, mostly naked, on the internet for nickels? We say...what the fuck?
I don't remember my first stream. I don't remember when I realized I would make this a semi-permanent thing in my life.
I remember why I started do this. I remember who has been here since the beginning. I remember taking you all with me to Florida for work. I remember masturbating the first 90 days of COVID away with you guys.
I absolutely know why I continue. You guys are a breath of fresh air in my life. Some of you have become great pals and I appreciate the fuck out of you. I smile when I see your name pop into my room/twitter/snap/email. Some of you have been ridiculously generous with your time in my room and/or your tokens or amazon spoils.
You have turned grey days blue by being kind humans.
My room is def not everyone's cup of team. I will never be a bad dragon, ass fucking, couples show having streaming. I just do what I want, when I want. I appreciate you all for letting me be me.
My first stream I made 1704 tokens.
My first month I made 15556 tokens.
I am pretty sure we can beat that first number today. Can we beat the second and have a record token day? It's cool if we don't, pretty sure we'll have a blast anyway.
Find me around 2 p.m. EST today!