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The vacay and beyond


I am heading home tomorrow. 2 weeks-ish will never be long enough, especially when I work on vacay (it's a sickness, I know). Most of my time was on the beach, at the pool, grubbing on some great grub, and hanging with friends who have become family, and my son(s).

Things I have learned on this trip:

The obvious: 2 weeks was NOT enough.

All things are done, either in love, or in fear.

I will most likely never stop being who I am.

My circle is small, but it is mighty.

No one will ever know what this life has cost me.

I need a chef in my life daily.

To elaborate:

The snowbird life is for me. I can work like a whore for 8 months out of the year, but the long goal is for the other 4 to be on the road, on the beach, finding majestic beauty.

My older son came down for 1 day. My younger son was here for 4. There were tears over this (mine). He was supposed to be here for 4. It broke my heart. He is picking us up from the airport tomorrow, and I feel a type of way about that. He should have been here. I bought their tickets out of love. He broke my heart out of fear. All things are done out of love or out of fear. No way that isn't true.

I also had a dream. A great dream, where I met a man and we were supposed to meet up later and I got to our meeting place, and I didn't see him. In the dream, I could also see him looking for me. Neither of us saw the other one. I could see his disappointment and I could feel mine. In the dream. The at the same moment we were both lost in our disappointment, we both saw the other was there, and I felt relief as we both smiled. All things are done in love or fear.

I worked, as little as possible this trip, but it is impossible for me not to work. I will always be this way. I booked a HUGE event for one of the trucks on this trip. An event that will start 2 weeks from when I return home. I could have started my winter rest early, but I chose to grind. It is who I am. I also did a bunch of content as I was able on this trip, that will get uploaded as I am able when I get back.

My vacation friends are the best, but I wouldn't be able to do that without your generous token support or my amazing cousin who steps in and takes care of my mom when I am away.

It gets a little old in my real world for people to be shitty that I have been gone for 2 weeks. Fuck the haters, because I have worked unbelievably hard to live my life on my terms. No one is envious of what I have given up getting here.

O.k, so really, Taco Tom is a legit chef, by trade. Then when I am here, I get SPOILED when I stay with my friends or even if I don't, because he is a chef also. I went to a diner one night by myself and they asked me what I had to eat. I wanted meatloaf, but they were out. Two nights later, I am at their house for dinner and bless is fucking heart he made me a meatloafly twist. It was so much better than any diner meatloaf could have been, and he made it for me because of that diner incident. Oh and with an eggplant caprese salad too. Fuck my life, I need a chef in my house on the daily.

In other news:

Did you send me something off my amazon list while I was away? If so, my son's friend picked up our mail the other day and he said there were some packages. Not sure when I will get to retrieve them.

Blood Oranges are not something I can find at home, and I may have bought a fuck ton to take home in my suitcase. I'm not weird. You are weird.

I will be back in the office on Sunday catching up on all the things. Depending on how early I go in, you may find me online for some G rated Jenni before my employees come in, to catch up. Otherwise, I am hoping to be out of the office by 1 p.m., and will be online at home for an equally G rated stream while I clean up and unpack from vacay.

My friends have this birdfeeder camera thing for their 81 year old dad. I am contemplating getting this for my mom >> It would be amazeballs if you guys would give it a looksie, especially you techy guys. This is the exact one they have, and I have spent the last weeks peeping it out. It tickles me and I don't even love birds. Thoughts?

Special shout out to Fred for the sunburn lotion...oh how I used it. Tan lines to come...

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