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The Rona

Just when the excitement was starting to come back into my son brought Covid home. He tells me tonight that his job is letting him be off until Friday. Vomit. Vomit for 2 reasons. The first is that I was in the grocery today, and there were only 4 checkers. I asked my checker how his day was going. He looked around and said, "what's it look like". He said no one shows up to work. I told him "well you are doing a great job. Thanks for showing up!". My employees are afraid of me. They would never not show up. But look around, it's everywhere. So even though my son's job says that he can be off until Friday, I say, if you feel better, go back to work. Someone will appreciate that.

The other reason is that I am banking on NOT getting COVID, as I spray lysol on everything and in front of and behind him. I have sequestered him to his bedroom. He is not aloud out. I make deliveries to his door with food and hydration, and he puts them back outside the door. I want to get back to my side hustle time.

On the real though, if I come down with the rona, this will fuck my mom on Thanksgiving, and I don't really want that to happen. If my sister wasn't such a troll, this wouldn't be an issue. She is stiffing my mom on turkey day again, so it falls on me to manage her emotional well-being. Oh, this week will be a time. I can just feel it. Oh, and I am watching The Grinch as I type this. It is my mood.

If you have been following along my blog for any real length of time, this is how it goes. There is usually a glimpse of back to normal and then it just turns back into chaos. It is not the life I chose, but the life that has chosen me. Overall, I feel about a 4/10 right now. Last night I think I was a 2/10. That is improvement. My son started to be sick Friday night/Saturday morning, so I want to think I might be in the clear. Please cross your fingers for me. He picked his dad up from the airport Saturday night and he has COVID now. I don't know how sick he is though. If I had to guess, he probably just took a test out of caution.

I will say, I am def getting the mom of the year award right now. I am taking very good care of this kid with all sorts of wellness food and drink. I need him to be better and me not to be sick. He even said "I really like this pampering", and I said, " I hope you remember it in 3 days if I am as sick as you".

In other news: I don't think there is any. It's a holiday week. I hope that all of you are going to be doing whatever it is that makes your heart thankful. Even in the chaos, I have so much to be thankful for, and I am proud of myself to say, I think I celebrate that every day, not just this one day.

I appreciate you!

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