I am shocked I have not been a total Debbie Downer, but I am pretty mindful of life. Among other things going on in my world, my son had court this morning. The things we don't talk about. His P.O. wanted to revocate his probation. Don't get me started about this. He had 4.5 months left on probation, but 178 days suspended and NO violations. It was so bizarre.
I have been sitting here, pacing and waiting for an update. He got 2 weekends in the county and his probation will be over after that.
I feel like that is a win. I mean, you can take your own snacks if you do a weekend in the county where I live. He may not even call me for that short of a time.
So, I still wait on the chaturbate ban, the MRI results, and the fate of my mother's living situation, but this is now one thing off my plate of worry. By the end of the week all of these things will have a different positioning in my mind and maybe then I can start to sleep again.