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Living in a man's world

I had a tiny little snap rant last night about a truck event and men who don't think women can do what I do. I thought to myself...I've just always lived in a man's world. I think that is why I struggle so much with this bullshit of men can do better than me. Doubtful.

To recap: My uncle, dad, and grandfather were all in the marine corps. I had a very particular type of childhood. It didn't allow for quitters and criers. My work ethic and discipline are like 15/10. I usually will say to people, if asked "Just because you don't work as hard as I do, doesn't mean you don't work hard". I was just never allowed to quit as a child. I can go, go, go, like the energizer bunny on Adderall without the Adderall.

When men get all demeaning with me at events, it pretty much makes me feel stabby. Like, catch a charge, stabby. There are 600 registered food trucks in the county my truck is registered. If I had to guess, I am in the top 5 of any top criteria list. Factually, in sales, I am probably in the top 3. So when people talk down to me, I just take mental notes. Will not be coming back here. That's the thing about having a reputable truck, you can do that. 6 years ago, when the keys first hit my hand, I probably knew this is how it would always be, but now...I just don't have the patience for it anymore. There is literally only one other woman run truck in the city and she is amazing too.

Because of my upbringing, I have never felt less than anyone else I have stood next too. I was raised to be the same or better than others. I def don't think I am better than anyone, but I def do think that I am a better human than some. I would never treat someone differently based on gender or race.

You would think being successful in the truck game would feel nice. It doesn't. It is so cut throat. My most used line when people are hateful with me is " I could always work harder". You have to put in the work. I have.

Today: and yesterday: and a year ago: I don't really have the zest to do this anymore. I took this to a place that anyone would be hard pressed to reach after me, and because of that...I don't really care to take it any further. I don't need more out of it. I want my life back. Not hateful men around every corner who just don't work as hard and can't fathom how I am more successful.

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