But this round of Jenni buys a diner is over. The building inspection went absurdly bad. I would post pics, but I won't. Taco Tom said "that just looks like a couple dry wall patches and some elbow grease", which is why I love him, but my project manager said "I have seen worse, but not by much". I had to go with the advice of the experts, not my ability to see beauty in shit storm.
I believe the universe will give me what I want if I am meant to have it. Until then, I work another 70+ hour week at a festival. Don't even want to talk about my current level of exhaustion. A friend of mine gave me 6 visits to the float spa to help me see the light at the end of the weekend tunnel. It did help, and I am hoping to go tomorrow. I used to want Taco Tom at the end of successful weekends, as a prize for hard work, but honestly, the float spa is so much better.
As for the rest of the week, I have a few days off of work and plan to see you all online. Look for me Wedn/Thur/Fri/Sat potentially. Also plan on doing some new content. You know what happens when I get slutty wears? I take slutty pics! And we all like slutty pics right? They are long overdue and I am also overdue on sending out some pics for some ideas that Fred and James have sent me. I will have time this week. I added some slutty stuff to the wishlist >