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I'm in a funk.

Can you tell? It's a lot of things but let me start with the ones I think might track in the side hustle world.

I caught myself watching alot of streams over the weekend while people were at AVN. I kind of went down a rabbit hole of curiosity. Lots of streamers who started around the time I did. Lots of those streamers have turned to porn. It makes me wonder why. I mean, I know why I started. I wanted to fund a vacay, that I never got to take to Hawaii. If you've been around that long, you know what happened there.

I am sure a lot of people start doing this for quick/easy cash, which is isn't. Maybe they find co-ed cam makes them more bank. Maybe they just got really horny for the D and wanted to advance to porn anyway. I don't know. That was never going to be my path.

Today, I have been unmotivated and watching other streamers. Popular solo girl streamers. I have been bewildered by what I have seen today by way of begging. I have always said, and have always been grateful, that I don't use streaming as my full-time income. I totally get how it could be stressful to not make whatever your token goal is. To wonder how your bills are going to get paid. What I don't understand is when I watch a girl who streams for HOURS, and only one person in the room is tipping, generously too, but there are only like 20-40 people in her room, and only 5 of them with tokens, and this girl keeps telling the room that they don't want her to "have a shopping spree" or "for her to pay her rent". And that one generous gentleman keeps tipping, AND she never really thanks him. It is like she knows he will keep tipping if she says these things. Maybe that is a schtick. Like maybe that guy likes that and she knows it. Or maybe it is why her room never has more than 20-40 people in it.

Another model, I was just watching, had a really high goal for something and 6000 people in her room. She kept asking all the men with a certain color screen name to just wipe out the goal so she could log off, because she needs to make a certain number of tokens and she wasn't happy with the time it was taking her to make them. She finally got a generous gentleman to tip the 2500 to finish her goal. She reset the goal to the next thing. She did 1st goal, in record time, chipped about 1000 tokens off the next goal and logged off.

Maybe my question is all of this is: Where is their plan B?

Facts: I could never be a full-time streamer. If I streamed 40 hours a week (which I have never done BTW so I don't really know), doubtful I could make enough money to live on. The other side of that is, if I did phone sex 40 hours a week, I could make a shit ton of money to live on. Phone sex to camming is like retail to restaurant. I know when you walk into Olive Garden, you know you are spending $, but when you walk into The Gap, you may not make a purchase at all. The Gap may have a larger customer base than Olive Garden, but the Olive Garden may have more paying customers.

I think my funk is that I'm o.k. with the lameness of my streams and the side hustle nature of things for me, but I am not o.k. wasting my time. If I am investing my time, I want a return on that time, in some fashion. It doesn't have to be tokens for me. Sometimes it is just the chat as a good return. How does someone sit online for hours and blame the audience for her vacay being ruined without xyz tokens? At what point do you just log off and move on to the next way to make money? It makes me wonder if I pulled that shit on people if it would work too. The bright side is I wouldn't do that.

I had a guy in my room the other day, a good tipper and talker. I told him that he doesn't always have to tip me to talk to me, he has tipped me plenty over the years. He said (in a tip note) that another streamer who he tipped a lot over time, started messaging him and asking him to send him $. I am sure that happens to men on the site, more than I will ever know. I just think that is crazy. It is because it is January? Is everyone a little broke this month and a little cranky and desperate?

This just feels like a place I don't know if I want to be anymore. I just like to do whatever when I am online. I don't want to be bunched into the pandering and porn part of this. But I do want to go on lots of trips this year, and for that alone, I will stream on. And chances are I will be continuing to stream from the office and make 2 streams of income at once, cause I got a plan a, b, c, d, and all the way to Z

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