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4 Years!

How did it start? I was watching a particular cam couple who no longer streams together, and I thought, i can do this. I don't think I ever watched solo streamers, or maybe none just caught my eye. But I thought, I can do this. So I did. I wanted to take a trip to Hawaii, and I thought, how much fun if pussy paid for the trip. It would have. Except so many things have forced me to pivot and put off that plan.

I ended up taking a food truck to Florida that first winter (2019), so no trip to Hawaii.

Covid happened before I came home from Florida (2020), so no trip to Hawaii.

My mom had a stroke (2021), so no trip to Hawaii.

The care for the stroke continued, and my stepmom passed away (2022), so no trip to Hawaii.

I had some medical situations (end of 2022, start of 2023), so no trip to Hawaii.

Bright sides:

I fell in love with the beach. Deeply and madly in love. I found a whole new way of thinking and living every morning as I walked on the beach and every evening as I watched the sunset over the gulf.

I met a LOT of you when I was in Florida, whether that was in 2019 or when I streamed on trips back.

I made a lot of money in the side hustles during COIVD (and I never got Covid), that have allowed me to care for my mother when she had her stroke.

You guys were amazing during the early days of her stroke. Lots of checking in and tips and support. I can't say I would have been able to be as helpful as I was without all of that.

My personal medical situations the last 3 months, also the money from the side hustles allowed me to be able to pay the medical bills that came in, so the procedures didn't break me financially.

So here we are: 4 years later.

I'm still streaming. And I will continue to stream for as long as you will have me. It just isn't exciting everyday anymore. That is the biggest change. We now do office streams, metal box streams, and nudey streams. I appreciate your support always. Especially as my camiversary stream is being done from the office. Be there or be square. I make no promises for excitement but what I can say is that the long-term goal is to be here for a while. If the plan to snowbird can happen for 2024, I expect you guys to hang out on the beach and help fund it. The token goal for Sunday will be funding a beach vacay before the truck season starts. For today, we will be naked at home. Yesterday was a 4 O Friday, can we do better that today?

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