So here is what happened. I dropped my son off at the airport on December 17th and I banged out the next 13 days. Thank you guys for letting me be great (slutty). The night before, I had mapped out my side hustle goals for that stretch of time. It was lofty. It was probably impossible. I ended the stretch of days, $495 over my goal. I can't even say that I over worked myself because there were some VERY generous gentlemen in the last 13 days. New friends, old friends, private shows, phone sex.
For those of you who aren't aware, I am spread over 5 platforms. After the new year, I will scale back to two. I have put a lot of thought into what I want to be doing in 2024 and what I have landed on is that 5 platforms, 2 food trucks, a catering operation, needy parents, and my own kids is way too much. I never really focus enough attention on one single item. Shockingly I am fairly successful at all, BUT none of it really challenges me anymore. I want to be challenged in 2024. I want to do hard things again and learn new things every day. So I will scale back to make room for that.
There will be a post on new year's years eve regarding the changes that will effect the side hustles, but for now...
My son is home, which reduces my side hustle fun. I will be here, but we will have less time to be great over the next 2 days (feel free to offline tip). I cannot express enough gratitude for those of you who have supported (tips/follows/chat) my sexy side hustles over the last 13 days (and all year). I have had a lot of fun, and I hope that you have too. Let's not forget those of you who spoiled me for Christmas with gift cards and presents too. How did I get so lucky?