Well...I don't know what is on the wishlist today. I got up, have talked to my dad, both sons, one employee, checked worked emails, washed, dried, AND put away all of my laundry, vacuumed the house, and cleaned 1 of 3 bathrooms. It is 9:35 a.m. And I am planning on making some cranberry orange muffins before I work from like noon -1 a.m.
I think I really want a day off, to sleep in, and not have to do anything at all. Since that is not likely to happen anytime soon, I am thinking....today's wishlist Wednesday is daydreams. Southwest and Amtrak gift cards, a magic 8 ball to answer the hard questions for me, of course the Wonder Woman Tervis, and for sure a new purse :)
This is a pretty long week for me, until the weekend, and then next week is an 80+ hour week. I want to say that I will jump online when I get home tonight, but I don't think I will. Exhaustion sets in on the drive home. I always cum before I go to sleep, but sometimes, can you imagine, it is really too much effort to set up the computer and stream, even when I want to. So if I don't appear tonight, I will be online tomorrow morning, before another late work night :)
Oh and if I forget to say it later - HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!! #patriotismrules