All I wanted and more already!
It is not lost on me how fortunate I am to be able to take a pampering vacay. Make no mistake, there were many points in my life where I wasn't. I have worked for this. I mentioned on my stream this morning that although I earn a good living, the side hustles really allow me this time/trip. I am pretty frugal, and I have lots of financial responsibilities between my kids and parents these days, so the extra money lets me not feel like I am being selfish to take this trip. So, thank you. I could afford it without you all, but I can take the trip because of you all. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I appreciate ALL of you.
I am still feeling really good about being away.
If you were around this morning, you saw my hour of work, and how that kept going and going and going. It is what it is. It's all good. I had a blast in the pool and of course the orgasmic lounge chair. Work never stops for me though. If it counts, I didn't open the laptop at all on Tuesday :)
I have had a great time, really. Totally relaxing. Not at all wanting to go home. I will though. Until then...spoil me with your tokens to finance the next trip. I'm ready.