And for me it isn't over.
This is just what it is this time of year. The bright side is that if all goes well, I will be off tomorrow, and #churchwithjenni will be happening. So bring your tokens and your dick. I already know that I want to sleep in, but doesn't happen these days. So look for me online early. And online all day if there is enough interaction.
Other things this week...
I don't even really know beyond work. The week coming up will be more hectic, but I am ready for it. It has been kind of non stop, which is not a bad problem to have, it is just a constant mind fuck more than anything. How to do it all?
Literally, I think the only notable event that I can recall in the week is that I added 2 more pillows to my bed. Oh, and there was that trip to Ikea with my son. That was good. I still have one item to put together, but let's be honest, I put together two of the three so that is a win. The 3rd is just really heavy.
Thursday was Taco Tom's birthday. I mailed him a tree, just like last year. I texted him. Other than that, at 8 p.m., I turned the phone off and went to bed. It's the time of year where time just moves faster than I can keep up, and peace is important to me. I didn't forget his birthday. I acknowledged it. I didn't need to see him. I needed my own peace.
My goal for the week is to breathe. Remind myself that this is the job I have signed up for, and it's just a job. It isn't my life. Although it becomes my life. It isn't my life.
I will most likely spend most of the spare time this week at talktome, but will try to through in a few streams. I don't do well with the evening streaming anymore, I don't think. I like my morning/daytime guys. I miss my evening guys, but I usually find them on the weekends, so it's all good.
Blah, blah, blah! I feel like I am babbling now and I need to get ready to the work day.
Cross your fingers for tomorrow.